Saturday, April 24, 2010

Christina Aguilera Responds To Akon's Claims She Copied Lady Gaga Christina Aguilera answers Akon's claim that she copied Lady GaGa. In an interview with Atlanta's Star 94 FM as part of her "Bionic" promotion, she sets the record straight, saying "No rip-offs, we're all inspired by different things."

"I was inspired ... by artists that came before me. ... You know what I love about the new breed of newcomers is that they're risk takers," she explained more. "They're doing things that aren't so safe. ... I always had the guts and passion to do things like that. ... I'm happy to see that people have come full-circle and are now accepting it and are into it and these girls have the guts to do it."

In another radio interview, the singer stated, "It just comes with the territory. That, in particular, is not even worth wasting the breath to comment on." She added, "I've been around for over a decade and I think my work speaks for myself. [When I was younger] I would have engaged, been a little upset [about the comparisons]. There's a bigger picture out there. I've got my son, my family, my work."

courtesy of

Christina Aguilera is due to release "Bionic" in the U.S. on June 8.

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